Wednesday, August 05, 2015

A Letter to my Younger Self (Including Some Beauty Advice)

Good morning, beauties! I've seen a fair share of posts floating around the web on "letters" people have wrote to their younger selves. I really like the idea, so I thought i'd give it a go. Here is a letter to my younger self, including beauty advice that I wish I was given then. I hope you enjoy! 

To my younger self, 

You may or may not recognize the person that you have become. You sure have come a long way from the timid and play-it-safe type girl that is shown in Mom's photo albums. You know, the girl hiding behind her cousins in the background. The one with the crooked smile, red face, and insecurities blended in. I know you were scared then... scared to shine, to stand out, to fit in -- but I can assure you, it will all be okay. You will blossom and you will thrive, you will have a life that others themselves hope to have one day. You will find love, even though you feel like no one could possibly want to be around you for more than a quick hello in passing. 

You are beautiful even when you don't feel like you are. Your husband will tell you that, and your children will see you as an Angel. That's right, you will have kids! You will have kind, sweet, children that you are so incredibly proud of. You always wanted to be a Mother and one day you will be. It will be spectacular and your greatest accomplishment. 

You are trusted and loyal to your friends, you always have been though and people love you for it. Being that confidant to others helps build your confidence as you like to be needed. 

A few tips... don't worry so much what other people think of you. You will still struggle with this in your adult years, but it becomes less about the random folk and more about worrying what family thinks of you. A big tip: they all think you are great! Relax a little, high school is a roller coaster of emotions.. feel them all and embrace them. Then, move on! As you'll discover, the people who you thought mattered a great deal in your life, the girls at the "cool table" who turn away and snicker as you walk by? In your adult years, you can barely remember their names or faces. It's all just a blur really. 

You were so worried about what you wore. You wanted so badly to be in style and impress others. Well, as it turns out having your own sense of style and being different from others is now trendy. So, again... no worries. None of those things hold true value anyway. Focus more on what you can do for the world rather than what the world can do for you. Focus more on what you have to say rather than what brand your jeans are. Speaking of jeans... STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR SIZE!

As for some beauty tips/pointers.. do yourself a favor and make sure you are using the correct shade of foundation. Looking back at photos I have found you, my younger self, looking like you powdered your face with baby powder. Haha, this does make me giggle now. Also, don't worry - colored eyeliner is going to be HUGE when you are older... so keep rocking that navy blue and purple eyeliner looks, cause you're setting the trend with bold colors.

Well, that's all for now... 
Your not-as-younger self xo

I'm the on the end, behind the peace sign.

Me today.

If I knew then what I know now, right?

If you are reading this and are at all feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and you don't feel strong enough... just remember -- it will get better! You will get your wings and soar to the sky.

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