Sunday, September 13, 2015

Motherhood & Beauty: Finding that Balance

Hey, beauts. I know that a lot of my readers are Mothers and so I just had to reach out and do this post. I know that as a Mother, it is hard to get everything done that you have to while trying to fit in everything that you want to. I also know how easy it is to lose yourself along the way. 
My oldest just turned 7 years old last month, and during that time I have had many personal ups and downs. Most of which having to pertain to my self body-image/beauty. I still struggle with feelings of insecurity, that's just part of my nature. I try to find ways to embrace that and still feel really good about myself. When I don't overthink things, I'm better off. Aren't we all?

I think that we all, as individuals, have to find happiness however/wherever we can. When you think about the big picture, the spilled chocolate milk on your floor doesn't amount to much. De-stress by letting things go and watch the natural beauty unfold. 

Being beautiful starts with being confident in yourself. You could wear all the makeup in the world but if you aren't feeling good about yourself - it is going to show through all of that. Feeling blue? Ask yourself - What can I do for myself today? You might not be able to allow for much "me time" but you really should take a few minutes out of each day to "do you"

Try meditating or drinking a cup of soothing green tea. If that doesn't do it for you, do some retail therapy. Treating myself to a little something always perks me up a bit. Also, try your best to designate a spot for yourself, where you can go and be alone for a bit and collect your thoughts. Start a journal or a blog, so that you can vent and who knows - you might discover a new-found love for writing. You might even be really good at it! Listen to music, but try to stay away from the emotional trigger songs. Get a massage or take a nice, warm, bubble bath. Whatever you decide to do - make sure you are doing it for you. Because you deserve it. Don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you any different.

What are some ways that you find the balance for combining Motherhood with Beauty? Comment below!
xo Sylvia

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